So you’ve decided to buy a composting toilet and you’re wondering “what’s the best composting toilet on the market?”. Obviously there’s a lot to consider when purchasing a composting toilet. For example, the size of your family, if you have space under your floor (this will help determine if you have the option to purchase a split system) and how much maintenance you’re wanting to perform.
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Like most of us in the world right now, we’re thinking about things that are bigger than ourselves. COVID, community, the climate, etc. These are all large problems that require a global approach to solutions. Whilst it may seem daunting that such large problems are part of our lives, we can all take ownership and control over the areas of our lives we can influence. One of the easiest ways to help, not only yourself, but the environment around you is to think about how you can incorporate a more sustainable approach into your lifestyle and one of the easiest ways to do this is with a sustainable toilet.
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In the world of composting toilets, there is so much to learn! Like any industry, we have our own jargon and way of explaining things and sometimes forget that someone new to composting toilets won’t know their pedestals from their enzyme sprays or the difference between a split system and self-contained composting toilet!
Never fear fellow eco-custodians, we’ve written this article to outline exactly what a self-contained composting toilet is and how they work.
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There are many reasons why people want to poop in the outdoors. Some do it for freedom, others for the views. Whatever your reason for considering an outside toilet, we’ve gone through the many different and varied reasons why people love to crunch a grumpy in the great outdoors and listed them below.
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When it comes to installing a composting toilet in your home, there are many different questions people have. Do they smell?, What about Diarrhea?, What type of wood shavings should you use?
One of the questions we get asked a lot centres around the use of composting toilets and electricity. Do composting toilets need to be plugged into mains power? Do composting toilets work if you don’t have electricity? So we’re going to answer your questions about electricity and composting toilets.
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If you’ve been using your composting toilet for a while, you will no doubt have read up about wood shavings for composting toilets, but if you’re new to composting toilets or have recently purchased one, you might be thinking ‘what’s the proper bulking agent to use in a composting toilet?’.
Like a traditional compost pile, a composting toilet requires a little bit of bulking agent from time to time. This can help your compost reach the right level of heat and density along with introducing natural elements to help the composting process along. You’ve probably heard all sorts of wives tales about things you can add to a composting toilet and some of them might very well be true, but others can put your composting pile at risk or worse, kill off all the good bacteria in your compost making the composting process stop altogether.
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With environmental issues getting lots of media attention these days (hi there Greta!), it makes sense that more and more people are starting to think about their impact on the only home we have – earth.
As you have probably guessed, composting toilets work differently to ‘traditional’ flush toilets. In a sense, the concept is the same (waste is gathered and treated) however, composting toilets do this in a much more eco-friendly way without the use of harsh chemicals, waste runoffs or waste products leeching into the groundwater or being flushed into the ocean.
If you want to reduce your footprint on our planet and become a little more self-sufficient in how you deal with your own and your family’s waste, a composting toilet is a great option! Here are a few benefits to owning a composting toilet.
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If you’ve been considering purchasing a composting toilet for a while there are probably many different questions you have about how they work, how they’re used and the hygiene of them. If you’re used to traditional flush toilets, it’s likely that in the past, you’ve not given much thought to your family’s waste and where it goes as it’s conveniently flushed away and you don’t really have to think about it any more.
By installing a composting toilet it not only changes your concept of waste, but it also makes you think about your footprint on the earth and how much you contribute to waste, the chemicals used to treat waste and grey water and the impact of this on the environment and our oceans.
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If you’re looking at buying a composting toilet in 2019, you’re no doubt going to want to know what’s the best composting toilet, right? Well there’s really no one answer to that question as the best composting toilet is the toilet that suits your needs. As there are many different types of toilets that vary in how they work, the way they’re installed and how they can be used, there’s no one perfect composting toilet for everyone.
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If you’re interested in leading a more off-grid lifestyle, then installing a waterless composting toilet is a great way to make a start. This will help reduce your burden on our environment and lessen your footprint on the planet. If you combine solar power to help run your composting toilet this is going to reduce your impact even more and help you save some money (and maybe a few dead dinosaurs!) along the way.
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If you’re thinking about installing a composting toilet, there’s a good chance that you want to see what the toilets look like and if they’re going to look decent in your home.
We’ve compiled a bunch of product photos and customer photos to give you a good idea of the different types of composting toilets you can get.

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We live in a world of infinite possibilities and opportunities. If our great-great-grandparents were alive today, most of our jobs, the way we live, our gadgets and how we get our food, our news and our entertainment would seem like something out of a science fiction novel to them.
With all these amazing progressions we’ve invented and built for ourselves over the past 100 years or so, we have created a standard of living the human race have never experienced before. Convenience is at an all time high, we have the world's information at our fingertips via the internet and most of us living in modern, western countries are far richer than any of our ancestors ever were or could have been.
Medical /Science is helping us live longer and highly mechanised and optimised food production techniques means many of us have never known famine or hunger like in the Great Depression or the Irish Potato Famine.
With all these modern conveniences and knowledge it would seem right to assume that we would be happier and more prosperous than ever before, right? Wrong.
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If you’re thinking about installing a composting toilet or sawdust toilet, there’s a few things you should know about before you jump in. For example, you might be thinking to yourself, “Where do I start?” or “How much sawdust do I add?” and “What happens if it smells?”. Never fear my intrepid toilet tourists – we have the ultimate guide here for your journey.
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If you’re the type of person who believes that less is more, there’s a good chance you live a lifestyle that’s uncluttered, easy and clear. You might be limited in space but it’s not how much room you have, it’s what you do with it right?
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You may have heard of the term ‘BioToilet’ recently and may be thinking to yourself “What is a BioToilet?” or “How does a BioToilet work?”
BioToilets are a great way to reduce water usage around your home (or boat, motorhome, etc) and are great for the environment as they recycle what would otherwise be a waste product.
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When the Ikurangi Eco Retreat were looking for a composting toilet system for their eco-friendly cabins they wanted something that looked and felt as close to a ‘normal’ toilet as possible. This would allow their guests to have a great experience at the resort without freaking out a little about the bathroom situation!
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You may have been a composting toilet user for years, or perhaps you’re just looking into one as an option in your new home. Either way I’m sure you’ve asked yourself more than a few times “what are the benefits of a composting toilet?” or even started looking up facts about composting toilets.
Here at Nature Loo we’re delighted to bring you these 6 amazing facts about composting toilets that you probably had no idea about.
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Like everything in life, things get interesting when you add a little spice to it. This goes for all sorts of things in our world – food, love, music, homes... you name it, whatever we take for granted every day, guaranteed there’s other people around the world doing it in a different or unusual way. Some people are scrunchers, others are folders. Some like to sit, others prefer to squat. This is what makes different cultures, people and places so interesting.
As they say, variety is the spice of life so with this in mind we’ve decided to share some of the different and fascinating ways our customers have set up their eco-friendly waterless composting toilets.
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